I'm based in Madison, WI
And Here are a few of my
latest projects:

Hospital Price Transparency Tool

A tool that allows users to view the negotiated rates for medical procedures at different hospitals. It helps patients compare and understand the costs of medical procedures.

Built with Node.js, Express.js, REACT, MYSQL, Hosted on AWS Lightsail

Twitter Bot

Developed a one of a kind Twitter bot that monitors digital asset listings and utilizes an algorithm to display only those with favorable pricing. The bot was created for a client to promote digital art and increase sales.

Built with Node.js and hosted on AWS Lightsail

Food Blog

A blog where you can view recipes from different cuisines and submit your own for others to see!

Built with Node.js, Express.js, Javascript, Bootstrap CSS and HTML

Points tracking API

This API is designed to track a user's points while shopping. There are endpoints for viewing balance, adding transactions (when shopping) and spending points

Built with Node.js, Express.js, and Postman